

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Objections received dated from 23.11.2024 to 29.11.2024

SAA :-
1. Manager / Co-ordinator (Contract)
2. ⁠ANM / Nurse (Contract)
3. ⁠Ayah (Contract)
4. ⁠Chowkidar / Watchman (Contract)

1. Accountant (Contract)
2. ⁠Data Analyst (Contract)

Children Homes :-
1. Store keeper cum Accountant (Contract)
2. ⁠Educator [Part-time] (Contract)
3. ⁠Cook (Out sourcing)
4. ⁠Helper (Out sourcing)
5. ⁠House keeper (Out sourcing)
6. ⁠Helper cum Night watchman (Women) (Out sourcing)

23/11/2024 29/11/2024 View (4 MB)
Objections received dated from 02.11.2024 to 09.11.2024

Applications for the posts of 

  1. Central Administrator (Contract)
  2. Psycho – social counsellor (Out – sourcing)
  3. Security Guard / Night Guard (Out – sourcing)
02/11/2024 09/11/2024 View (2 MB)